Boarding Information
We offer three different boarding options: Cooperative, Self-care & Full care. With each boarding package, including self-care, we will provide quality grain feed, quality flaked hay and sawdust as part of the package. You can find a boarding application here, and more information on our boarding options below.
Cooperative Board
As noted above, grain, hay and sawdust are included in this package. With cooperative board, we will share responsibility for daily care of all the horses on the property. Each owner is responsible to complete the following daily activities for all horses boarded one to two days per horse per week (unless specified that the duty will be performed by McLiving Stables Staff):
12 x 12 matted stall cleaned daily, Sawdust bedding cleaned/refreshed daily
Daily turnout, weather permitting, in small groups, unless specific arrangement has been made for private turnout
Water buckets emptied, rinsed and refilled daily; cleaned weekly (or more in warmer weather)
Quality grain feed 2x/day (morning and evening), up to 6 quarts (8 pounds) per day. Charges for additional grain will be charged at $1.30/lb
Quality flaked hay 2x/day (morning & evening), up to 6 flakes per day. Charges for additional hay will be charged at $1.50/flake
Blanketing/unblanketing in accordance with McLiving Stables policies
Owner-provided supplements and oral medications* can be administered as requested, with appropriate vet instructions (*in accordance with McLiving Stables policies)
Attention to minor medical needs (wound cream, etc)
Use of farm facilities, including turn-out pastures.
Self-Care Board
With self-care board, we will provide the grain, hay and sawdust as part of your package (see below for included quantities), and you will provide the daily care for your horse(s).
Each owner is responsible to complete the following activities each day for their horse(s):
Daily turnout, weather permitting, in small groups, unless specific arrangement has been made for private turnout
Water buckets emptied, rinsed and refilled daily; cleaned weekly (or more in warmer weather)
Grain feed and hay fed 2x/day (morning and evening)
Any additional care needed. This includes, but is not limited to: Blanketing/unblanketing, hoof care, vet care, grooming, supplements, etc
The following is included in self-board option:
12 x 12 matted stall
Quality grain feed, up to 6 quarts (8 pounds) per day. Charges for additional grain will be charged at $1.30/lb
Quality flaked hay, up to 6 flakes per day. Charges for additional hay will be charged at $1.50/flake
Use of farm facilities, including turn-out pastures.
Full Care Board
All above inclusions performed by McLiving Stables staff.
Group and Private Turn-out (subject to availability)
Please download an application here
You can also email or call (240) 545-8285
for more information on pricing, boarding options and other available add-ons.